Omitas may help you in the following areas

IT security audits & products

A pentest is a quick, easy to plan, and – most importantly – affordable security audit to determine the security of systems, network or working places at a given time.

Fireeye, Fortigate, Cloudflare, Wallarm, Suricata, ESET, NGINX... other security products distribution.

Cyber security trainings

Newest info about nowadays happening cyber security breathes and how to prepare for cyber attacks in practice during laboratory tasks.

Lectures from three biggest Lithuanian universities working in the field of cyber security regulation, research and development of commercial solutions.

Enterprise software development

OMITAS skilled specialists know the game of business and deliver successful solutions (ERP, Website etc.) staying within time and budget limits.

Portfolio includes over 200 finished web projects.

IT support and maintenance

Programmers, DevOps, IT and IS support professionals with huge experience in package.

Our network of experts provides a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips.

About us

Omitas was created by Enterprise software developers, IT/IS administrators, security professionals to equip a new generation with the skills they need to succeed. 




